Online international scientific discussion “Foreign Influence Transparency Legislation from a Civil Society and Human Rights Perspective” will be organized by Union of Law Scientists” 

Online international scientific discussion “Foreign Influence Transparency Legislation from a Civil Society and Human Rights Perspective” will be organized by Union of Law Scientists” 

Online international scientific discussion “Foreign Influence Transparency Legislation from a Civil Society and Human Rights Perspective” will be organized by Union of Law Scientists.” 

Models of foreign influence transparency legislation, opinions of the Venice Commission and OSCE regarding the Georgian law, and parliamentary debates related to the adoption of the law will be discussed at the event. This event is the first attempt to organize academic discussion on this topic. 

Organizer – JSC “Union of Law Scientists”

The date of the event – 27.06.2024

Time – 18:00 p.m.

The event will be held online on the Zoom platform.

Working languages: English and Georgian. Simultaneous translation will be provided.


Nick RobinsonSenior Legal Advisor of the International Center for Non-Business Law (ICNL) (USA). His research deals with the issue of foreign influence legislation and the relationship with the civil sector. He testified to the US Congress on the challenges to FARA. His research has appeared in numerous academic journals, including the Duke Law Journal, Cornell Law Review, and Minnesota Law Review.

Presentation topic: Foreign Influence Transparency Legislation and Civil Society – A Comparative Overview.

Kakha Tsikarishvili, Member of the Union of Law Scientists, Professor of the Institute of Public Affairs of Georgia. He is the author of several academic articles. 

Presentation topic: Opinions of the Venice Commission and the OSCE on the law of Georgia on transparency of foreign influence; Parliamentary debates related to the consideration of the draft law.

Each presentation will be followed by a discussion.

The full video recording of the event will be available both on YouTube and on the “Union of Las Scientists” website.

The agenda is available at