After having restored independance numerous reforms have been accomplished in Georgia. As an outcome the whole soviet normative base was subjected to fundamental changes, the result of tremendeaus effort performed by Law field scientists likewise. Undoubtedly, any legislative act requires scientific research groundwork to be adopted instead of passing it spontaneously.Innumerable scientific papers and reccomendations have been written to refine Georgian legal system by Law scientists till now, but frequent changes in normative base and unstable legal environment servse as a serious handicap to the process of development of the field itself.As a result numerous deficiencies and inconsistencies have been detected within the normative base in force.The only solution to the problem effective can be development of Law science, the necessary prerequisite for which is promotion of legal education and enhancement of legal awareness of civil society. Those are the exact goals that stimulated foundation of non-governmental organization: development of Law science, promotion of legal education and enhancement of legal awareness of civil society.Needless to say, that materialization of intelectual potential of every single scientist or researcher is a means to the result, yet being combined and coordinated this potential is by no means more effective way to achieve those results. Union of Law Scientists is the first organization ever in Georgia to unify highly qualified professional lawyers – Law scientists and researchers, the fact that together with the apolitical nature will ensure the unbiased and impartial activities of the Union.
This is the warranty that creates confidence within the society towards judgments and reccomendations to be offered by the Union, that in its turn is the instrument to achieve any organization’s goals. The Union in pursuit of its purposes performs its activities within as well as outside of Georgia. The organization was founded in 2014th, 4th of April.
In light of its purposes Union of the Law Scientists is apolitical non-governemental organization and its legal status is defined as Non-Entrepreneaurial (Non-Commercial) Legal Person.
Purposes of the Union are as follows:
Facilitate Legal State establishment and enhance legal awareness of the society in Geogia, encourage Law Science and legal education development, Coordinate Law scientists and researchers as well as scientific reasearch in the field of Law, advance legal rights protection of Law scientists and the Faculty of Law.